Charley K knelt between her feet and explored her exposed vulva with his fingers, saying, "I don't mind being juicy second in a broad, especially a high-clas white broad like this, but it feels like the Colonel broke a dozen raw eggs in here. Give me a towel or something so I can mop out some of the extra lubrication he left. She's so slimy in there now that my cock wouldn't be able to feel anything."

With a rough dirty bath-towel he probed and thrust deeply within the writhing girl's pelvis, and harshly wiped off the tenHer outer lips of her sore used cunt. Then he assumed his pose again and, supporting his upper body on one hand, he guide his thick rigid cock into her cringeing hole. A smile of delicious pleasure lit his expressive face as he felt his sensitive cock enfolded and caressed by the soft warm folds of her vagina.

In her helpless spread-eagled pose on the mattress, Pattie felt him get into the rhythmic pumping motion of copulation. She knew this activity from living with Clay, but with her lover, it had always been a tender and mutually rewarding experience expressing the emotional as well as the physical part of their love. She had never experienced an orgasm, but it had been satisfying in less violent ways, on an almost spiritual level.

But now this cruel Negro was pounding into her sore defenseless body with wildest abandon, concerned only with his own pleasure and release. In addition to the offense to her dignity and womanhood, it was extremely painful for the lips of her pussie, and her beaten buttocks burned horribly with every vigorous plunge of his body pressing downward. The incessant hateful pumping again seemed to be reaching into her mind, driving her toward

something she could not imagine, toward so.e wild uncontrollable dementia. How much more of this degrading torment could she take?

Now Charley K was pistoning harder within her pelvis, and grunting with mounting excitement. Pattie knew that soon he would be spurting his seed into her and this incident of rape would be over. How many more she was expected to endure she could not guess. The physical pain she could survive if necessary, and she would eventually recover from the humiliations they were heaping upon her. What brought her mind to the edge of stark panic was the fear of the emotional and mental beating her brain was taking, as evidenced by the pumping wildness that ravaged her thoughts. As she had anticipated, Charley K was soon squirting his spunk into her and she felt again the physical defilement of being used so brutally against her will. But at least this act was over, and perhaps she would be released now that she had endured this much. Or at least get some rest before further torments.

Only now did she find that while her attention has been occupied by Charley K's fucking, several other male members of the Party had arrived and were standing leering at her exposed nakedness, licking their lips in anticipation of their turns at fucking her. While they drew lots to see who next would be allowed at her, the Colonel said she must be punished some more for what she and her father had done in getting the Party harrassed by the police.

At this, one of the newcomers, named Amos, said that when his turn came, he wanted to fuck her up the ass, but he wanted to be sure her ass wasn't full of her high-class society shit when his time came to have her.